- Publisher: Digital Shoebox Inc
- Available in: Paperback, Kindle, Kobo, Nook
- ISBN: 978-1-7751438-3-3
- Published: February 15, 2021
Menopause. Every woman goes through it, but few ever talk about it. At a time when we should be settling comfortably into who we are and what brings us joy, women are plagued with anxiety, insomnia, and a body that changes in ways we don’t feel comfortable talking about.
All that is about to change.
Within these pages, you’ll read about:
- The menopause beard and ear hair
- Erotic dreams and diminishing libido
- Periods resembling crime scenes
- Mood swings not suitable for all audiences
- The scattered brain (I think)
And so much more.
Murder on my Mind pulls away the curtain to reveal one woman’s experience with menopause. With her unique style of humour, Dana Goldstein candidly shares her six-year journey from peri-menopause to post-menopause.
Advance Reviews for Murder on My Mind
“Dana Goldstein is the writer who makes you feel like you are best friends sharing a bottle of wine over extremely intimate and hilarious life stories. She is a gifted story teller who has the ability to share shockingly personal and relatable stories peppered with touching experiences to leave you feeling positive about your own experiences. I read this book in one sitting while laughing out loud often and nodding in agreement at many of her experiences. This book is a glimpse into the torture that most women of a certain age get to experience and Dana is not afraid to prepare you (in gory detail) for what may lay ahead for you. Dana will then remind you be true to yourself and explore all of the wonder that being a woman offers. Thank you for writing this, Dana.” ~ Heather Flanagan